Rallicula rubra



英文名称 Chestnut Forest Rail
拉丁名称 Rallicula rubra
评估等级 无危
保护等级 未评估


拉丁名称 Flufftails
下属鸟种 15

A smallish rail of montane forest. Deep chestnut color. Male has a chestnut back with some black wing feathers, while the female has all black wings covered with white dots. Flutters wings when alarmed, flashing white dots. Forages very actively, even frantically, tossing leaves and moss aside to uncover invertebrates. Similar to White-striped and Forbes’s Forest-Rails, but Chestnut is smaller and the male has no white mark’s or fully dark wings, and female has spotted rear flanks. Calls, harsh raspy notes or squeaks.